Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Daily Minutes Block II

Minutes for Thursday March 5, 2009
Objectives: relate author’s bias to fiction and nonfiction texts and discuss censorship in the world today and its affect on society
• We began class with a free write of our choice in our journals which took about 10 minutes. I think free writing gives us a good chance to write down our thoughts, which is very healthy for our minds and is a great way to relieve stress.
• Next, Ms. Chamberlain noticed that in our journals most of us expressed how stressed we were, so she reviewed a favorite exercise of hers to get rid of all the stress.
• After we were stress free, Zandria presented the minutes and read a poem titled “Do not go gentle into that good night.” The minutes were accepted by the class. This took about 5 minutes.
• Next, Ms. Chamberlain picked up our final copies of the close reading essay on Olaudah Equino, and informed us that if we did not have them ready for her today, then we could turn them in later with points being deducted.
• After that, we discussed and took notes on Fahrenheit 451, which we all should have finished reading. In this discussion we talked about:
1. How censorship relates to the coda of Fahrenheit 451
2. We related knowledge and ignorance. For example, Montag reads books but his job is to destroy them.
3. We defined paradox as two opposite forces trying to be combined into the same body. For example, a person cannot love books and hate them; one emotion has to take over.
4. We reviewed what the phoenix is, which symbolizes being reborn from its ashes. We related the phoenix to the city burning down and being built back up again.
• Last, we got into pairs and reviewed ads from magazines. Ms. Chamberlain assigned us to fill out the Analyzing Advertisements side of the worksheet she handed out using the ads.
Homework: complete the promises, promises side of the worksheet by Monday

Submitted by Jessie Fields

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